
Ielts listening 3 đề bài từ Video for Listening 1-Phần Food

For the part of the video related to Cuba (From 12th  min to 26th  min)
                  Fill in the gaps
0.         The Cuban family he pays a visit live in the……………….. of Havana
1.       What he really hopes that they offer a cup of strong …………. in the breakfast

2.       The family does not have anything except for coffee for breakfast
3.       For lunch, he has eaten potatoes, white bean and rice
4.       According to the narrator, most of the energy for British people is from animal products like meat and dairy
5.       The Cuban diet is fattier than the British people’s
6.       The Cuban diet can help people healthier and wealthier
7.       Bean is a typical dish in Cuba’s daily meal
8.       In the dinner, the narrator also has banana as a main-course dish 
9.       According to the narrator, if the British do not want to change their diet, they have to grow food in a less oil-dependent way
10.   The narrator also says that nothing can be learned from the Cuban style
11.   The fields are all devoted to producing sugar
12.   The narrator calls Fernando’s  style of growing food agriculture mix and match
13.   There are only 10 different crops in Fernando’s field
Fill in the gaps
14.   The farming style by Fernando combines different crops and ………… to take advantage of water and……………………….
15.   According to Fernando, the new style of farming is more productive and……………..
16.   Fernando agrees that this kind of farming is …………..percent more efficient.
According to the narrator, this kind of farming requires more farm……………

Note: Từ “crisis” –số  ít đọc là 'kraIsIs; nhưng số nhiều đọc là -krisiz


0.       Suburb
1.       Coffee
2.       T
3.       F
4.       T
5.       F
6.       T
7.       T
8.       T
9.       T
10.   F
11.   T
12.   T
13.   F
14.   Livestock- nutrients
15.   efficient
16.   25
17.   labour


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