
Answers and Explanation for Reading Practice 1

Questions 1-8
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?
In boxes 1-8 on your answer sheet write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

1 The plight of the rain-forest has largely been ignored by the media.
Answer: F
Explanation: "Plight" here means "a difficult and sad situation". The sentence "In the face of the frequent and often vivid media coverage, it is likely that children will have formed ideas about rain forests – what and where they are, why they are important, what endangers them – independent of any formal tuition." infers that children do not take information or form ideas from education but from mass media, which means the media really pays attention to the difficult situation of the forests, not ignore them. 
2 Children only accept options on rain-forests that they encounter in their classrooms.
Answer: F
"what and where they are, why they are important, what endangers them – independent of any formal tuition" means they do not get much information concerning rain forests at school. 
3 It has been suggested that children hold mistaken views about the 'pure' science that they study at school.
Reason: "Many studies have shown that children harbour misconceptions about 'pure', curriculum science.", curriculum>>> school program.
4 The face that children's ideas about science form port of larger framework of ideas means that it is easier to change them.

Answer: True
Reason: ở khổ 2 chúng ta có câu "These misconceptions do not remain isolated but become incorporated into a multifaceted, but organised, conceptual framework, making it and the component ideas, some of which are erroneous, more robust but also accessible to modification." , modification đồng nghĩa với change. 
5 The study involved asking children a number of yes/no questions such as 'Are there any rain-forests in Africa?"
Reason: khổ 5 có từ "to complete a questionnaire containing five open-form questions, trong khi câu hỏi yes/no là loại closed questions. 
6 Girls are more likely than boys to hold mistaken views about rain-forests' destruction. 
Not given
Khổ 6,7,8,9 cho thấy không có nhận xét nào so sánh lượng mistaken view của từng giới.
7 The study reported here follows on from a series of studies that have looked at children's understanding of rain-forests.
Khổ 2: Many studies have shown that.......................... 
8 A second study has been planned to investigate primary school children's ideas about rain-forest.
Not given -không hề có thông tin 

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