


1. university opens up a host of new opportunities

2. It’s best not talk to British academics about their job satisfaction at the moment; if you’re lucky they will sigh and roll their eyes at you, if unlucky they will explain exactly how stressed and unhappy they are,

3. It’s best not talk to British academics about their job satisfaction at the moment; if you’re lucky they will sigh and roll their eyes at you, if unlucky they will explain exactly how stressed and unhappy they are
1. The freedom. What a luxury to have your salary paid from core funds and to be able to research what interests you, take on external jobs that you’d like to do, wear what you like (within reason!), develop and deliver interesting courses to passionate students, go to meetings and conferences about things that interest you, and plan your work time flexibly to address your own work priorities. You are trusted to forge your own path, and judged according to whether your peers, students and wider society are excited by what you are offering.
2. The students. Teaching and mentoring the inspirational future leaders of the field, sharing exciting ideas and enthusiasm for the subject with students and researchers at a range of career stages, working with them to develop and carry out new research and gain new insights. I love being part of students’ development as scientists, supporting them in honing their skills and ideas, and then seeing them succeed in the wider world.
3. The environment. It’s exciting to collaborate with people who I admire, developing new ways of thinking, particularly interdisciplinary projects when I can be stretched by understanding their perspectives and analytical tools. I also think I’m well paid, well supported and that universities try hard to recognise the constraints of childcare and other barriers to success. Being judged on outputs rather than inputs has its downsides but it does also mean you can step your research intensity up or down for a few months according to what else is going on in your life.

5. a long tough road

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