




Of all the sports I like, I am really into football, which brings me a sense of discipline and team spirit.

As a matter of fact, I do not play this kind of sport very often, I only participate in the competition for the Town Cup in my hometown once a year. In this game, my father often referees the final. When he shows a yellow card, we know that we have done something wrong, or something which is not allowed by the rules. Yet I used to be sent off for arguing with him over his decision some years ago. It is normal, he now says, in the court, you are the player and I control the game. With this manner, he makes discipline become natural.

My mother is the coach of my team, who let us knows that a victory can only be built by the whole team, not by one individual_s performance. She really connects us.

As well as football teaches me these things, I suppose that I am still a huge fan of this sport.



Some businesses now say that no-one can smoke cigarettes in any of their offices. Some governments have banned smoking in all public places. However, others argue that, without smoking, people and especially the economy will suffer form a lot of negative effects.

Smoking has been prohibited in public areas and workplaces. Nevertheless, it is argued that a ban on smoking will affect people and the economy negatively. Personally, although I admit that there may be such problems, I assume that the prohibition of smoking is absolutely necessary.

Obviously, people in certain professions are used to smoking daily as cigarettes make them alert and focused. For example, artists who need inspiration and creativity for their new artworks often light a cigarette before starting to work. This explains why some painters and writers are often seen puffing their cigars beside their sketches and drafts. Without smoking, a lot of other people and the economy suffer, too. As tobacco plantations are abandoned, workers lose jobs and advertising agencies lose their loyal customers. Governments’ revenues from business income taxes decline dramatically, which may place a bad impact on the development of the economy and the country.

Despite all of the anticipating threats, I would contend that if smoking is not banned, the problems it causes to people’s health and finance and the economy will become irreversible. Specifically, serious health implications such as lung cancer, diabetes and heart diseases are linked in part to smoking. Although smoking may make you feel temporarily perky, in the long term it apparently reduces your work productivity and shortens your working lives due to its negative effects on your health. Finally, this is a financially-consuming habit because the price of a packet of cigarettes increases regularly. In fact, a heavy smoker may spend up to one third of his income on cigarettes every month.

In conclusion, it seems to me that although there are some possible threats posed to people and the economy after the prohibition of smoking is applied, I am still in favor of this action. 



Nowadays it is easy to apply for and be given a credit card. However, some people experience problems when they are not be able to pay their debts back. In your opinion, do the advantages of credit cards outweigh the disadvantages?

It is true that in contemporary times, applications for credit card are approved quite quickly, leading to some peoples huge debts which they cannot pay off. Personally, the drawbacks of credit cards outweigh the benefits.

Unquestionably, credit cards offer convenience, and comfort especially when you are in an emergency and can be beneficial to the whole economy. Specifically, just like a loan, a credit card provides users with immediate access to money. It is absolutely useful for long holidays or shopping trips. Credit cards also encourage people to spend money, which directly stimulates consumer demands. This is of great value to the market and economy as more supply is needed and more jobs are likely to be created.

Despite the advantages mentioned above, I would contend that the anticipated problems of credit cards are far more considerable. Firstly, as people may use overdraft facilities offered by banks, they may spend much more than they have and become heavily indebted. When debts build up and people are plunged into real financial difficulties, everyone suffers: those in debt lose their houses, and the banks lose money. The maintenance of family happiness can be handicapped by these debts, too. In fact, debts resulting from credit cards are linked in part to a number of marital difficulties and broken homes.

In conclusion, from all of the arguments presented, I am strongly convinced that although credit cards are advantageous to users to some certain extent, the disadvantages are worth more consideration.