

đây là phần lý thuyết do Simon, một ex-ielts examiner biên soạn ra, mọi người đọc sau đó đón xem phần phân tích bài mẫu của simon do mình làm ở phía dưới nhé (update sau)

IELTS Writing Task 2: 'ageing population' topic

In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and society? Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing populations.
Some advice:
- Write 4 paragraphs: introduction, problems, solutions, conclusion.
- You don't need to separate ideas about individuals and ideas about society. Just mention something about both in your paragraphs.
      Some ideas:
      - an increase in the number of retired people who will receive a pension
      - a smaller proportion of young adults = smaller working populations
      - a greater tax burden on working adults
      - demand for healthcare will rise
      - young adults will have to look after elderly relatives
      - people may have to retire later; the state pension age will rise
      - medical advances and health programmes might allow elderly people to stay healthy and work for longer
      - people should be encouraged to have more children
      - governments could encourage immigration (in order to increase the number of younger adults)

      IELTS Writing Task 2: agree, disagree, or both?



      IELTS Writing Task 2: agree, disagree, or both?

      For 'agree or disagree' essays, do you think you should give both sides of the argument or just one side? The answer is that you can do either.
      A) Essay structure for one side of the argument:
      1. Introduction: topic + your opinion (either agree or disagree)
      2. First idea to support your opinion
      3. Second idea to support your opinion
      4. Conclusion: repeat your opinion
      B) Essay structure for giving both sides:
      1. Introduction: topic + say that you 'partly agree'
      2. On the one hand,...
      3. On the other hand,...
      4. Conclusion: repeat that you accept elements of both arguments
      Remember: it's very important to get the introduction right. This tells the examiner whether you are going to give one side of the argument or both sides.

      và đây là đề bài và bài mẫu

      đề bài: men and women are different in terms of their characteristics and abilities. For this reason, some jobs are better done by men and others by women.

      task fulfillment:

      In contemporary times, a substantially increasing number of women are working in the field traditionally dominated by men and vice versus. While a thorny question related the discrepancy between males’ and females’ performance owing to the differences in characteristics and abilities is currently raised, it is my personal belief that either people of either gender are capable of fulfilling any job assignment effectively.

      Unquestionably, men and women are distinctive in terms of characteristics. More specifically, women are often regarded as having a great gift in communication, and being far more suitable for occupations requiring deliberation. In sharp contrast, it is conventional knowledge that men are far more decisive and best perform in the positions in need of physical strength. In fact, the supposition seems too precarious since these stereotypes are not always accurate and there are also several exceptions. Apparently, a man can achieve a fruitful success as a nurse thanks to his dedication to taking care of patients and a woman can perform absolutely well as an electrical power engineer with her strength. Conventional gender roles are not appropriate for everybody, actually.

      In addition, in the age of information and technology when education is best facilitated, there is hardly any gap in females’ and males’ capabilities. In actual fact, improvements can be made both physically and intellectually for both genders. With the support of advanced technologies and distinctive sources of data and documents, either men or women can retrieve the best way to make up their own weaknesses or shortcomings resulting from their conventional gender roles, if any. Dramatic instances can be seen in the efforts that women have been making in vigorous exercises for an enhancement in the durability and persistence. Likewise, a variety of spokesmen have actually been discovered to be self-taught in the field of communication thanks to the down-to-earth tips from social work forums.

      In conclusion, although typical stereotypes do exists among two genders and may have led to some misleading views in terms of the predominance of each sex in particular occupations, these conventional traits are not always reliable and attempts can also be made to improve the pre-existing situations. I am therefore strongly convinced that there should be a wide-open gate to their favorite profession for every person regardless of gender. 

      IELTS Writing Task 2: 'language learning' topic

      Đây là phần bài outline ý của Simon- 1 ex-ielts examiner

      IELTS Writing Task 2: 'language learning' topic

      Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
      1. Introduction: Topic = best age to learn a foreign language. Our opinion = better to learn at primary school age.
      2. Disadvantages of learning languages at primary age: other subjects are more important at that age (maths, mother tongue language, science), learning a new language is confusing and wastes time, could delay development of child's first language.
      3. Advantages of learning languages at primary age: young children learn faster, they are less self-conscious or shy, they pick up the pronunciation better, they enjoy copying and learning through games, nowadays languages are just as important as maths etc.
      4. Conclusion: repeat / summarise our answer.
      The plan took us 10 minutes to write. With a plan like this, it should be easy to write a good essay in 30 minutes.

      và đây là bài làm của mình

      In contemporary times, it is acknowledged that foreign languages should be included in the primary school curriculum by some scientists. While I admittedly agree that teaching foreign languages at such an early age may pose several particular threats, I realize that the benefits offered outweigh the drawbacks.

      Initially, there is no doubt that learning a new language may delay the development of child’s first language. In fact, children may encounter numerous problems when trying to distinguish their mother tongue from the foreign language. A dramatic example can be evidently seen in teaching English for primary students from countries of pictographic languages. Another fact worth mentioning is that the introduction of fundamental scientific subjects ranging from Maths to Basic Chemistry is far more significant for small children compared to foreign languages.

      Nevertheless, the merits of acquiring a new language are unquestionably far more considerable owing to the nature of their mental and the possibility to form effective learning habits for primary school children. First and foremost, it is obvious that very young learners are less self-conscious and shy, which helps them practice oral communication substantially better than adults, who are normally afraid of making mistakes. In addition, it is also noticeable that they are not much influenced by their mother tongue’s pronunciation and spelling, which apparently facilitates their second or foreign language acquisition. One further benefit is derived from the fact that studying languages in primary schools develops their habitual learning through reading passages, conversations with teachers, and vocabulary on flashcards or notes.

      By way of conclusion, from all the arguments above, the disadvantages are considered to be just marginal in comparison with the advantages. Hence, I am strongly convinced that every child should be taught at least a foreign language at the age from 6 to 10. 



      Advertisements are getting their way into our lives. Discuss the effects of advertisements of people. Should all ads be banned. 

      BAI LAM: 

      The existence of advertisements has been globally acknowledged. Hence, the influences that they have been placing on our lives are absolutely inevitable. The essay is going to discuss the benefits and drawbacks possibly brought by advertisements in further details and answer the question whether they should be legally prohibited or not.

      Initially, there is no doubt that a variety of merits are offered by leaflets, posters and commercials. First and foremost, advertising is a definitely invaluable tool helping consumers get access to an abundant source of information related to the brand new goods. Examples can be evidently seen in the introduction of usage, side effects as well as precautions stated in medical pamphlets. Additionally, commercials provide potential customers not only lively illustrations of the commodities but also an opportunity to compare the price ranges and the features of similar lines of product.

      On the other hand, the negative aspects can be recognized in terms of the distorted truth and the explicit content and violence in certain commercials and posters. In fact, quite a great number of characteristics are exaggerated with the aim of persuading consumers to spend a colossal amount of their budget on massive purchases for products repeatedly advertised on Chinese Best Buy SCJ Life On. 
      In terms of the threat posed by advertisements, the conspicuously featured female bodies and violence also deserve a mention. Supposed to be extraordinarily appealing to the audience, a substantial quantity of posters and commercials are designed with the explicitness of aggressive behaviors and indecent exposure, which are absolutely harmful to juveniles.  

      In fact, if different kinds of advertisements are further propagated, a regulatory system of such distinctive punishments as fines, lifetime sentence or even death penalty depending on each case should be particularly applied in case the mental maturity of adolescents may be negatively affected. In addition, the contents of advertisements should be legally filtered out before being allowed to be officially circulated or broadcasted on mass media.

      By way of conclusion, from all the arguments above, the disadvantages that advertisements may cause are just marginal in comparison with the advantages. However, the former should be by no means neglected by the law and the regulations. 


      Vocabulary for Doctoring Sales

      Paragraph B:

      1. gadget  (noun) a small tool or device that does sth useful (ˈɡædʒɪt )

      Example: cooking gadgets

      2. honoraria (n)

      plural honoraria
      a payment made for somebody's professional services
      3. ethical judgement 
      4. extravagance  ɪkˈstrævəɡəns (n)
      1. the act or habit of spending more money than you can afford or than is necessarySuch extravagance is shameful when there are people starving in the world.something that you buy although it costs a lot of money, perhaps more than you can afford or than is necessary
      Going to the theatre is our only extravagance.
      something that you buy although it costs a lot of money, perhaps more than you can afford or than is necessary
      Going to the theatre is our only extravagance.
      emblazon (v)
      to decorate something with a design, a symbol or words so that people will notice it easily
      emblazon A with B baseball caps emblazoned with the team's logo
      emblazon B on, across, etc. A The team's logo was emblazoned on the baseball caps.
      scrutiny (n) careful examination  ˈskruːtəni (N) , ˈskruːtənaɪz (V)

       inspectionHer argument doesn't really stand up to scrutiny.Foreign policy has come under close scrutiny recently.The documents should be available for public scrutiny.The situation is bound to come under the scrutiny of the public health authorities.